EngiLab Frame.2D 2022
2D Frame Analysis
EngiLab Frame.2D is a powerful engineering software for the linear static analysis of plane (2D) frames for Windows. The program features a fast, rich and intuitive user interface for pre-processing and post-processing. It uses the Finite Element Method (FEM) for its analysis purposes, with 3 Degrees of Freedom per Node. It calculates Node Displacements, Support Reactions and Element End Forces. It can draw the Free Body Diagram, Model Deformation, Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams of the Structure.

- Linear Static Analysis of 2D frames and beams
- Full support of different unit systems (Metric, Imperial US, etc) - No limitations on units
- 3 Degrees of Freedom (DOFs) per Node (X-, Y-Displacements, Z-Rotation)
- Built-in Section Properties Calculator for most standard sections
- AISC (v15) and European section Databases are built-in for easy importing
- Any type of constraints (DX, DY, RZ) and Springs is supported
- Rotation releases (hinges) at start and/or end of Elements
- Nodal Loads (FX, FY, MZ)
- Uniform or linear varying X and Y loads along any Element
- Body (Acceleration) Loads (e.g. self weight)
- Node X-, Y-Displacements and Z-Rotation
- Support Reactions: FX, FY, MZ
- Element End Forces (Axial Force, Shear Force, Bending Moment)
- Full analysis report in Rich Text Format containing all the above results plus the six pictures (Model, N, V, M, Deformation and Free Body Diagram)
- Full validation of the Analysis results (Sum of FX, FY Forces, Sum of Bending Moments should be all zero)
- Global (Model) Equilibrium check
- Individual Element Equilibrium check
- Easily editable (with a text editor such as Notepad) .fr2d input file
- Modern, easy-to-use and powerful Graphical User Interface for Pre- and Post-Processing (Zoom, Pan features, Mouse middle button and wheel support)
- Import of DXF Drawings as Analysis Models
- Drawing of diagrams with automatic scaling support and showing intermediate values on screen.
- Axial Force diagram (N)
- Shear Force diagram (V)
- Bending Moment diagram (M)
- Axial Force diagram (N)
- Drawing of the Model Deformation, showing intermediate deformation values on screen
- Drawing of the Free Body Diagram F: Model with all the forces (external forces and support reactions)
- Automatic scaling of Diagrams and Deformation
EngiLab Frame.2D 2022 comes in two Editions: Lite and Pro. The Lite Edition is completely free, but it has limitations compared to the full Pro Edition, as described in detail below.
EngiLab Frame.2D 2022 Lite Edition
- Free of charge, available for download.
- Only for non-profit use (personal, academic or educational purposes). Not to be used for commercial purposes.
- Analysis limitations: Can open, save and modify any structural Model. Yet the Lite Edition can only analyze small Models of up to 10 Nodes, 3 Materials and 3 Sections.
- No missing features: You get the real experience of the Pro Edition. All the functions of the Pro Edition are present. No trial version banners, no annoying pop-ups, no hidden fees.
- Ideal for: Students and hobbyists who need to analyze small models, or Professional Engineers who would like to test the Program before purchasing the Pro Edition.
EngiLab Frame.2D 2022 Pro Edition
- The Pro Edition is available for online purchase.
- It can be used for any purpose (personal, academic, educational or commercial use)
- No modeling limitations: The Pro Edition can analyze any structural model (Unlimited number of Nodes, Materials and Sections).
- Ideal for: Professional Engineers, Universities, Students, Researchers, Hobbyists who wish to analyze models without any limitations.
- Priority Technical Support is provided within 24 hours via email at support@engilab.com, or by phone.
EngiLab Frame.2D 2022 v4.2
Release: May 28, 2022
- New icon for the .fr2d files.
- One new section added in the Section Properties Calculator (Wide flange with rounded corners).
- Improvements in the Section Properties Calculator.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
EngiLab Frame.2D 2022 Lite
Please enter your email to download the Lite edition of EngiLab Frame.2D 2022, free of charge.